Thursday, March 29, 2018

ICE paves way to detain more pregnant immigrants

The Trump administration will no automatically release pregnant immigrants from detention centers. This new policy will have more pregnant women in detention centers compared from the past when there was not much pregnant women in detention centers. In December there was 506 pregnant women detained and since March 20 there has been 35 pregnant women detained. Immigration officers will no longer release pregnant immigrant women. During the Obama administration the officers were urged to release pregnant women except for extreme circumstances. With the new policy it will be evaluated case by case. Immigrant and women support groups have raised concerns about the health care that the women will receive. Service's will be provided for the women however The Women's Refugee Commission has documented bad conditions in the detention centers. Most women are pregnant due to rape on their way to the United States. Pregnant women should not be detain due to the circumstance. Detention centers are not fit to hold these women.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Immigrant Women

Immigrant women not only suffer when crossing the border, they also suffer after crossing the border. Since these women are not legal, they do not have access to state funded programs. For example, healthcare and housing. Detention centers are not are abusive although immigrant women would think they have a better life after the are released they still suffer abuse. Immigrant women are paying for over priced rooms for living with a lot of people living in the room. Many women get sexually assaulted and attacked when crossing the border and after crossing the border. Many immigrant mother's are on the verge of homelessness. When an immigrant mother gets detained their children get put in the foster system and the mother gets deported.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The First Farm Worker Woman in America To Be Hired As A Union Organizer

Maria Moreno does not get the full credit that she deserves. She was the first women to organize a union for the farm workers. Maria Moreno was a migrant mother of 12 and was elected by her fellow farmers to represent them as a union organizer. "Adios Amor: The Search for Maria Moreno" is a film that is about the story of Maria Moreno. In 1958 there was a flood in Tulare County that left over 300 farm workers displaced and without work. The farmworkers were not eligible for food assistance. Maria's eldest son was not eating so his younger brothers and sisters can have enough food. This cause her eldest son to get hospitalized. Maria started speaking her mind and the county changed her policies. Cesar Chavez never recruited Maria Moreno for his union he considered her a "big mouth." There was rivalry between both unions and gender played a role as well.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

How Exactly Did Melania Trump Get a Visa for “Extraordinary Abilities”?

Melania Trump has been a U.S. citizen since 2006. While she was dating Donald Trump in 2000 she was able to secure a EB-1 Visa, which is also known as the "Einstein Visa." The EB-1 visa is for  professors, researchers, multi-national managers and executives. Also those with extraordinary ability, people have to show evidence for example, pulitzer prize or olympic medal. Also published material about you in professional or major trade publications. As well as other major media. Melania was only a model that did runway shows, and magazine editorials she was never a "super model." Trump is threatening to end family sponsorship and it is rumored that Melania Trump is sponsoring her parents immigration.