Monday, April 16, 2018

A couple fleeing ICE died in a crash. Agents might not have told the truth about chasing them.

ICE agents went to a home looking for the owner to arrest him. However their was a couple who were farm workers that lived in the home. The ICE agents were looking for the owner of the home who fit the description of the man driving away with his partner. This led to a car chase that killed the couple. ICE agents were unclear about what happened. This couple were parents of six children. One of the discrepancies found were that the agents said they did not have the emergency lights on but in surveillance it showed they did. California officials have been speaking out against Trump's policies on immigration. Immigration raids have been a major issue. ICE agents have to be closely monitored because they have been involved in many deaths with immigrants. Just because they are not citizens of the United States they are still citizens of the world. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Border Patrol agent charged in deaths of woman, child

Ronald Anthony Burgos Aviles is being held with out bond for the murder of a woman and her child. It is believed that Aviles was in a romantic relationship with the women. It was not mentioned if the women was an illegal immigrant however she was found at the border of Texas and Mexico near the Rio Grande. Aviles is a supervisor for the border patrol. He called 911 reporting that the bodies were found and an hour later he was a person of interest. If the women is an immigrant it should raise concern because he is an border patrol agent.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

ICE paves way to detain more pregnant immigrants

The Trump administration will no automatically release pregnant immigrants from detention centers. This new policy will have more pregnant women in detention centers compared from the past when there was not much pregnant women in detention centers. In December there was 506 pregnant women detained and since March 20 there has been 35 pregnant women detained. Immigration officers will no longer release pregnant immigrant women. During the Obama administration the officers were urged to release pregnant women except for extreme circumstances. With the new policy it will be evaluated case by case. Immigrant and women support groups have raised concerns about the health care that the women will receive. Service's will be provided for the women however The Women's Refugee Commission has documented bad conditions in the detention centers. Most women are pregnant due to rape on their way to the United States. Pregnant women should not be detain due to the circumstance. Detention centers are not fit to hold these women.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Immigrant Women

Immigrant women not only suffer when crossing the border, they also suffer after crossing the border. Since these women are not legal, they do not have access to state funded programs. For example, healthcare and housing. Detention centers are not are abusive although immigrant women would think they have a better life after the are released they still suffer abuse. Immigrant women are paying for over priced rooms for living with a lot of people living in the room. Many women get sexually assaulted and attacked when crossing the border and after crossing the border. Many immigrant mother's are on the verge of homelessness. When an immigrant mother gets detained their children get put in the foster system and the mother gets deported.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The First Farm Worker Woman in America To Be Hired As A Union Organizer

Maria Moreno does not get the full credit that she deserves. She was the first women to organize a union for the farm workers. Maria Moreno was a migrant mother of 12 and was elected by her fellow farmers to represent them as a union organizer. "Adios Amor: The Search for Maria Moreno" is a film that is about the story of Maria Moreno. In 1958 there was a flood in Tulare County that left over 300 farm workers displaced and without work. The farmworkers were not eligible for food assistance. Maria's eldest son was not eating so his younger brothers and sisters can have enough food. This cause her eldest son to get hospitalized. Maria started speaking her mind and the county changed her policies. Cesar Chavez never recruited Maria Moreno for his union he considered her a "big mouth." There was rivalry between both unions and gender played a role as well.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

How Exactly Did Melania Trump Get a Visa for “Extraordinary Abilities”?

Melania Trump has been a U.S. citizen since 2006. While she was dating Donald Trump in 2000 she was able to secure a EB-1 Visa, which is also known as the "Einstein Visa." The EB-1 visa is for  professors, researchers, multi-national managers and executives. Also those with extraordinary ability, people have to show evidence for example, pulitzer prize or olympic medal. Also published material about you in professional or major trade publications. As well as other major media. Melania was only a model that did runway shows, and magazine editorials she was never a "super model." Trump is threatening to end family sponsorship and it is rumored that Melania Trump is sponsoring her parents immigration.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Migrants Are Up Against Nicaragua’s “Containment Wall"

Nicaragua is having issues with their "containment wall," which has been successful towards fighting transnational crime. However this containment is not helping the migrants. These migrants are getting blocked from reaching their destination to the United States. Nicaragua's southern border has been blocking the passage for mostly South Americans, Africans Haitians and others. Although it is not helping the migrants, Nicaragua has the highest safety rates in Nicaragua. Also it benefits other countries neighboring Nicaragua. The containment wall policy is a violation of human rights, there have been many deaths of Cubans and Africans in Lake Nicaragua. Also family members of those who have died find it difficult to claim the bodies of their loved ones.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

UC Berkeley Student Bails Out ICE Detainees

The UC Berkeley student who was detained a few weeks ago made a promise to a few detainees in a similar situation. A Go Fund Me page was created for Luis Mora and raised about $15,000. Mora's Legal fees were about $1,500. With the left over money he had he helped pay other detainee's legal fees. 3 other detainees were freed thanks to the assistance of Mora. The other detainees did not want to give their names due to privacy concerns. There was Juan who is from Mexico, a grandmother named Virginie from Haiti and Franklin from Honduras. Mora felt that they deserve to be in this country more than him. Mora gave opportunities to others who are in a similar situation. If Luis Mora was not a UC Berkeley student would he have had the help that he got? 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital

The Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital is the first public health hospital in the United States. This hospital treated more than 1 million immigrants. This hospital is on two man made islands. The hospital consisted of four operating rooms, women's ward, pediatric ward, maternity ward and psychiatric ward. This hospital had the state of the are laundry room. The second island was a contagious disease hospital which was founded by Red Cross founder Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing. This hospital was made for immigrants coming to America. Although it was beneficial for immigrants, it did break up families. Depending on the disease some people got deported due to the disease. Some children were abandoned or deported because if they were found to have a fuvus which is a fungal disease of the scalp. Also they had the option to stay in the hospital for a year but some immigrant families could not afford that which led to abandonment or deportation. Now most counties have a general hospital that treats not only immigrants but also U.S citizens. For example, Zuckerberg San Francisco General hospital treats people of various backgrounds in the Bay Area. It San Francisco General is one of the best trauma centers in the Bay Area.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Immigrant children aren't entitled to government-paid lawyers in deportation hearings, court rules

A federal appeals court decided that undocumented children are not entitled to government-paid lawyers in hearings that could lead to their deportation. What will happen to these children? Most of these children come to the United States to escape violence in their country. Also some come to this country with no choice because their parents brought them. Some of the children that are detain are in this country alone. The only defender that these children have is a lawyer and they are unable to gain one. Undocumented children come to the United States for hope and now there is no hope. Undocumented children traveling alone to the U.S is increasing. Some parents do not want to claim their children in fear of their deportation so they leave them detained. As a parent this breaks my heart because children can't defend themselves. These children are in risk of being sexually assaulted and abused on their journey to this country by themselves.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


The annual summer meet at Saratoga Springs Race Course brings in $237 million and about 2,600 jobs. Immigrants keep the track running and the raids that have been going on have left restaurants unstaffed. Also the raids have left the farms unmanned and has left fear with the immigrants who do have a working visa. Immigrants are a major part of this event that brings in lots of revenue. This up coming season this years Presbyterian New England Congregational Church, which is near the race track has promised to shelter undocumented immigrants. Immigrants are a major part of this event. Unfortunately there will be raids going on due to the Trump administration.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Indonesian immigrant finds sanctuary in N.J. church

          Yohanes Tasik came to the United States in 1989 fleeing religious persecution. Tasik has a 3 year old daughter and works at a local warehouse and pays taxes. He lacks legal status but has an agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be able to live in this country. However he fears that their agreement has came to an end. ICE has been putting pressure on him and told Tasik not to take his daughter to the next meeting he had with ICE.
          Tasik normally takes his daughter and ICE told him to take his daughter to her mothers apartment. ICE officials followed him there however the the mother was there and Tasik returned home with his daughter. ICE officials stayed outside his home for a few hours. Tasik packed up his things and was able to find sanctuary in a church.
          ICE has been targeting many Indonesians from central New Jersey. Some Indonesians have been deported others have been self deported. ICE has been aware that Tasik has been here since 1989 which is about 28 years. Tasik has a job and is paying taxes. For ICE to change the agreement after 28 years its really upsetting because this man has his life here and his daughter. If they deport him back to his country he will be living in fear of persecution and will not be able to be in his daughters life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


          The ending of the Temporary Protective Status (T.P.S.) program effects people of all ages. In some countries like Nicaragua and El Salvador there are not many opportunities for people. The people mentioned in the article by Danae Vilchez change their name in the article to protect their identity. There was one elderly women mentioned who is 91 years old and suffers from dementia. This women took advantage of TPS when she came to this country with a visa however now her relatives have fear of deportation for her. This woman has no family in Nicaragua and needs a caregiver to be with her all the time due to her dementia. If this women gets deported back to Nicaragua what will happened to her?
        Most immigrants who have used T.P.S. program have been in this country longterm. Having to go back to a country where they have not gone back in years can be a difficult transition. People who have taken advantage of the T.P.S. program have jobs and pay taxes. They are productive members of society. The white house taking this program away is going to cause major conflict and immigrants are going to have to live in fear.