Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Indonesian immigrant finds sanctuary in N.J. church

          Yohanes Tasik came to the United States in 1989 fleeing religious persecution. Tasik has a 3 year old daughter and works at a local warehouse and pays taxes. He lacks legal status but has an agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be able to live in this country. However he fears that their agreement has came to an end. ICE has been putting pressure on him and told Tasik not to take his daughter to the next meeting he had with ICE.
          Tasik normally takes his daughter and ICE told him to take his daughter to her mothers apartment. ICE officials followed him there however the the mother was there and Tasik returned home with his daughter. ICE officials stayed outside his home for a few hours. Tasik packed up his things and was able to find sanctuary in a church.
          ICE has been targeting many Indonesians from central New Jersey. Some Indonesians have been deported others have been self deported. ICE has been aware that Tasik has been here since 1989 which is about 28 years. Tasik has a job and is paying taxes. For ICE to change the agreement after 28 years its really upsetting because this man has his life here and his daughter. If they deport him back to his country he will be living in fear of persecution and will not be able to be in his daughters life.

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