Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Immigrant children aren't entitled to government-paid lawyers in deportation hearings, court rules

A federal appeals court decided that undocumented children are not entitled to government-paid lawyers in hearings that could lead to their deportation. What will happen to these children? Most of these children come to the United States to escape violence in their country. Also some come to this country with no choice because their parents brought them. Some of the children that are detain are in this country alone. The only defender that these children have is a lawyer and they are unable to gain one. Undocumented children come to the United States for hope and now there is no hope. Undocumented children traveling alone to the U.S is increasing. Some parents do not want to claim their children in fear of their deportation so they leave them detained. As a parent this breaks my heart because children can't defend themselves. These children are in risk of being sexually assaulted and abused on their journey to this country by themselves. 



Wednesday, January 24, 2018


The annual summer meet at Saratoga Springs Race Course brings in $237 million and about 2,600 jobs. Immigrants keep the track running and the raids that have been going on have left restaurants unstaffed. Also the raids have left the farms unmanned and has left fear with the immigrants who do have a working visa. Immigrants are a major part of this event that brings in lots of revenue. This up coming season this years Presbyterian New England Congregational Church, which is near the race track has promised to shelter undocumented immigrants. Immigrants are a major part of this event. Unfortunately there will be raids going on due to the Trump administration.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Indonesian immigrant finds sanctuary in N.J. church

          Yohanes Tasik came to the United States in 1989 fleeing religious persecution. Tasik has a 3 year old daughter and works at a local warehouse and pays taxes. He lacks legal status but has an agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be able to live in this country. However he fears that their agreement has came to an end. ICE has been putting pressure on him and told Tasik not to take his daughter to the next meeting he had with ICE.
          Tasik normally takes his daughter and ICE told him to take his daughter to her mothers apartment. ICE officials followed him there however the the mother was there and Tasik returned home with his daughter. ICE officials stayed outside his home for a few hours. Tasik packed up his things and was able to find sanctuary in a church.
          ICE has been targeting many Indonesians from central New Jersey. Some Indonesians have been deported others have been self deported. ICE has been aware that Tasik has been here since 1989 which is about 28 years. Tasik has a job and is paying taxes. For ICE to change the agreement after 28 years its really upsetting because this man has his life here and his daughter. If they deport him back to his country he will be living in fear of persecution and will not be able to be in his daughters life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


          The ending of the Temporary Protective Status (T.P.S.) program effects people of all ages. In some countries like Nicaragua and El Salvador there are not many opportunities for people. The people mentioned in the article by Danae Vilchez change their name in the article to protect their identity. There was one elderly women mentioned who is 91 years old and suffers from dementia. This women took advantage of TPS when she came to this country with a visa however now her relatives have fear of deportation for her. This woman has no family in Nicaragua and needs a caregiver to be with her all the time due to her dementia. If this women gets deported back to Nicaragua what will happened to her?
        Most immigrants who have used T.P.S. program have been in this country longterm. Having to go back to a country where they have not gone back in years can be a difficult transition. People who have taken advantage of the T.P.S. program have jobs and pay taxes. They are productive members of society. The white house taking this program away is going to cause major conflict and immigrants are going to have to live in fear.